Santa Barbara ENT

Welcome to Santa Barbara ENT

Since 2015, Dr. Rebecca Golgert has been a trailblazer in providing innovative and cutting-edge care for patients in the Central Coast region. She’s proud to have been the first in Santa Barbara to perform sialendoscopy, Osia surgery, and several in-office procedures including: sinus balloon dilation, Clarifix, Rhinaer, and Vivaer. She was joined in August 2021 by her physician’s assistant, Raquel Romero. We’re glad you found us and hope to see you in our office soon.

Meet the Providers

Conditions Treated

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Dr. Golgert provides a variety of minimally invasive, in-office procedures including: Clarifix, Latera, Rhinaer, Vivaer, Balloon Sinuplasty, Eustachian Tube Dilation, and Injection Snoreplasty

Find out more about these procedures here

Eustachian Tube Dialation

